Monday, January 24, 2022

Beginning/Middle/End, Part 1

Cyberstein Sprint #1

This week was my first sprint with the Cyberstein team! Unfortunately, the Mad Tea Party team was cut at the end of last semester, so we were not able to continue with that concept. However, I feel really confident with the direction this new team is going and I'm really glad to be apart of it! This week I worked on updating the lighting within the scene and did some troubleshooting on some of the build errors we were encountering. I was able to figure out what was causing it and to fix it! We're still experiencing some weird edges/shadows on some of the meshes, but we decided to move forward from this and focus our efforts elsewhere. I enjoyed setting up the lighting and playing around with the post processing for this scene. I also started on some of the electricity VFX we're going to have in our scene (they haven't been implemented yet and still need some minor tweaking). 

   Before Lighting Pass

After Lighting Pass & Post Processing

    Niagra Spark Effect