Monday, August 1, 2022

Cyberstein Final Sprint

Final Touches, BP & Bug Fixes & More...

1. Final touches on all lighting and set dressing.
    - Did a final lighting pass for the replicator room and created custom meshes for light shafts. 
2. Optimized and created material instances for anything missing a material instance. 
    - Had to remove some of the light shafts in order to improve shaders complexity. 
3. Set dressed the level and added decals and final touches. 
4. Added some light flicker BPs and modified the button BP to change color depending on the type of part selected.
5. Helped implement and test the grate destruction into the good ending. 
6. Built final lighting and packaged project. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Cyberstein Summer Sprint #5

Debugging, Lighting Pass, Material & Mesh Updates


1. Continued to test lighting within VR headset. Worked on lighting in the side rooms and on the monitors near Viktor. Created "TV light meshes" and a light material to give the illusion of god rays from the computer screens. 

2. Debugged lighting issues and built out enclosure around the play area in order to combat light bleed.  

3. Continued to modify room layout as needed (set dressing) and update materials/blueprints within the level.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Cyberstein Summer Sprint #4

Added Game Res Models, Set Dressed, Stripped Lighting!


1. Stripped Lighting: Troubleshooting lighting in order to bring the scene into complete darkness, removed all post processes, and started lighting from scratch.

2. Grayscale Materials for Lighting Test

3. Improved the existing Lever BP

4. Set dressed some of the level, implemented the meshes, and moved objects to make more sense within the space (ex. light intersecting gaps on pillars and lever station in awkward position on pillar, moved to opposite wall instead)

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Cyberstein Summer Sprint #3

 Updated Meshes, Materials, & Lighting!


1. Team Organization - Making sure things are turned in on time in order to meet presentation deadline.

2. Lighting - Another lighting pass for the updated meshes and materials.

3. Set Dressing - Set dressed the outside of the building to make it less empty looking.

4. Editing Body-Build BP - Updating and troubleshooting the new meshes/materials within the main Body-Build BP.

5. Editing Light Flicker BP - Created more light flickers in order to create a more dynamic feeling environment. 

Last Week's Lighting

This Week's Lighting

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Cyberstein Summer Sprint #2

Lighting & Team Organization Revamped!

This week, my contributions were made to organize the team by taking the spreadsheet Jaz made for us all and translating them into individual tasks into JIRA. I created a JIRA board for us to effectively document the amount of tasks we have and to be able to assign them to individuals in order to make sure that everyone is accountable for their assigned tasks and to stay on track with the project. I've also completely revamped the lighting in our scene and done some set dressing as well. I've added some quick proxy emissive materials to some of our light sources, created light blueprints in order to provide more dynamic lighting to the scene, and hooked them up inside of the level blueprint in order to trigger at certain times. I also found a few SFX and hooked them up to the lighting BPs so that it would sound like flickering light or an alarm blaring (this one still needs to be tweaked). We're experiencing a few bugs that we're currently trying to troubleshoot (like our main lightning effect and fog simulations). 

Before New Lighting Pass

After New Lighting Pass

Sprint Video

As a team, I think we've decided to go for a little bit of a different mood and take inspiration from a few scenes from the 1982 Bladerunner movie. Things definitely feel like they're moving along more smoothly and quite a bit has gotten finished this sprint. Super proud of everyone!

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Summer Sprint #1

 Return from Summer Break!

This week, we've returned from Summer Break and have gone into a bit of a planning phase. We're really trying to button up any loose ends and begin tracking high priority tasks more closely. For the first two classes, Anthony and I were collaborating on what simulations and VFX need to be completed by the end of the project. We decided that we're going to do pre-baked destruction simulations in Houdini for the different endings. We've already begun looking up how we can achieve this and have begun development within Houdini. Lighting will need to continue to be worked on as we continue to filter more assets into the scene. Looking forward to what we will be able to accomplish by the end of the semester!