Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Cyberstein - Polish & Level BP

 Cyberstein Sprint #6

This week we focused a lot on trying to figure out what things we really wanted to nail down and polish within our VR experiment. Since I've been having a few issues with the spline for the last Sprint or so, I decided to modify it a bit. I've done quite a bit of research and reference gathering, but I think I know what I'm going to do now. I've decided to take the saw away completely and replace it with a really small emissive sphere with the sparks VFX attached to it. I'm also going to attach a beam emitter to the BP so that the laser cutting through the garage door leaves a "heat trail" behind. It's also extremely dark in our scene right now, so I went in and made some slight light changes so that it wasn't as hard to see in some areas. Along with the "garage door being cut down effect", Ryan and I worked together to implement the timing into the scene itself, so now it only plays when the endings are triggered. We also worked together in creating an environment animation and attaching it to a BP, so that the garage door falls when the ending is played. We've yet to implement that specific BP into the level BP, but it's on it's way!

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