Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Cyberstein Summer Sprint #5

Debugging, Lighting Pass, Material & Mesh Updates


1. Continued to test lighting within VR headset. Worked on lighting in the side rooms and on the monitors near Viktor. Created "TV light meshes" and a light material to give the illusion of god rays from the computer screens. 

2. Debugged lighting issues and built out enclosure around the play area in order to combat light bleed.  

3. Continued to modify room layout as needed (set dressing) and update materials/blueprints within the level.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Cyberstein Summer Sprint #4

Added Game Res Models, Set Dressed, Stripped Lighting!


1. Stripped Lighting: Troubleshooting lighting in order to bring the scene into complete darkness, removed all post processes, and started lighting from scratch.

2. Grayscale Materials for Lighting Test

3. Improved the existing Lever BP

4. Set dressed some of the level, implemented the meshes, and moved objects to make more sense within the space (ex. light intersecting gaps on pillars and lever station in awkward position on pillar, moved to opposite wall instead)